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Judge Keosian’s Ruling from 8 April 2024 Re: Valdes’ Anti-SLAPP Motion And What It Means For You By Dr. Lucas Murrey Judge Keosian’s ruling from 8 April 2024 has the following implications for all of us: 1) If someone harms your reputation in a secret group while they intentionally never tell you that you that you are being harmed, according to Keosian, this group represents a “public forum”. 2) If you find out that you are being harmed in said secret group and try to join it to defend your reputation and anonymous administrators and/or moderators refuse to let you into the group and thus you are unable to exercise your free speech to defend yourself, this group, according to Keosian, also qualifies as a “public forum”. 3) If someone says in said secret group that you need to be “ARRESTED” alongside other comments falsely accusing you of “’, murder”, “extortion”, having “domestic violence charges”, having “STDs”, “stalkingetc., then this language, according to Keosian, is neither inflammatory nor defamatory, but instead mere “hyperbole” i.e. unserious exaggeration. 4) According to Keosian a judge can wilfully determine the secret, nuanced meaning of words without any verification from the person responsible for writing them and without consideration of the context in which they were written, even if both are available to the judge. 5) In this hearing, Keosian not only egregiously failed in his judicial discretion. He also made several fundamental “errors” that a judge should never make. For example, Valdes’ motion required a declaration authenticating evidence in support thereof. Keosian falsely granted her motion, though Valdes failed to fulfill this critical legal condition. 6) Worse, during the hearing Dr. Murrey directly requested that the judge swear Valdes in so she could tell the court, under oath, if her words were mere “hyperbole” or not. Keosian refused. He did not want to swear Valdes in and confirm the meaning of her words. Instead, Keosian used his own obviously false interpretation of Valdes’ language to unlawfully grant her motion. I have spoken to several attorneys and they all say Keosian acted incompetent. But I also want to hear from you. What do you think about this proceeding? Please read through all of the relevant court documents via the links below. We the people need to stand up and resist the failures of common sense and decency in our legal system. I long to transcend this linguistic virus and join my voice to the spirit of yours. https://sickoscoop.com/publiclegaldocuments Valdes’ Anti-SLAPP Motion: https://sickoscoop.com/tx/7d7851b2331f420257169ceba9aa472cc4302ad633da8a5dfc38d5d0b91f0f83 https://archive.org/details/1-e-98445407/page/n13/mode/2up Dr. Murrey’s Opposition to Valdes’ Anti-SLAPP Motion https://sickoscoop.com/tx/f10589449616fda52c6c3be3a6100513d3b263edae109aef03810968236964df https://archive.org/details/2-dr-murrey-opp-valdes-mo-anti-slapp/page/19/mode/2up Dr. Murrey’s Declaration in Support of His Opposition to Valdes’ Anti-SLAPP Motion https://sickoscoop.com/tx/a722d02991fdcdd03751059067c8b6fcfbcca6f33a98f353231013f7e9e7ec1d https://archive.org/details/3-decl-dr-murrey/mode/1up Keosian’s tentative ruling: https://sickoscoop.com/tx/ea06dd17d3d7d0c79c07a2bc8efd7f86c197cc58d6dd768d1a722f70d522a1ac https://archive.org/details/4tentative-ruling/mode/1up Dr. Murrey’s Notes From His Oral Argument https://sickoscoop.com/tx/7d8461c53d207e2eedd96d21de92cdfa25213641370886a66adb3c7484693939 https://archive.org/details/5-dr-murrey-notes-from-oral-arugment/mode/1up Thank you friends, Dr. Lucas Murrey Ph.D Yale University Author of Hölderlin’s Dionysiac Poetry; and Nietzsche: The Meaning of Earth sickoscoop.com/lucas lucasmurrey.com Dr. Lucas Murrey’s BSV recipient address: 19VHcmgsuu5N8Ye2ZJnmXrSbQ6XLK4YYCd https://gofund.me/c2752977 For updates please visit social media profile at: sickoscoop.com/lucas

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